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More to Muscles than Meets the Eye

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
25/11/2019 08:00 AM
Back pain is one of the most common and debilitating conditions that strikes the population today.  In this day and age we put more stress on our backs by sitting at desks for hours on end,...

A Pain in the Neck

Posted By Melanie Roberts ,
18/11/2019 08:00 AM
Neck pain is a common problem in the current population. Occurrence of neck pain is thought to be on the rise, with occupation playing a major role. As we spend increased amounts of time in a seated...

Sciatica - What is it?

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
11/11/2019 08:00 AM
Sciatica is a term often used to describe any pain down the leg. However, there are numerous causes of leg pain and Sciatica is a specific diagnosis. The sciatic nerve exits the spine at the lower...

Do you have poor posture?

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
04/11/2019 08:00 AM
Have you ever noticed yourself slouching or standing with one leg out to the side?  Your day to day posture can have more of an effect on your posture than you think.  Having poor posture ca...

What is Rehab?

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
28/10/2019 08:00 AM
Rehabilitation is basically the act of correcting dysfunction that is causing pain or restriction of range.  It is important to correct this dysfunction to gain a long term response to your...

How to Choose the Right Pillow

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
23/10/2019 08:00 AM
It is very important to choose the correct pillow to support the weight of your head.  Did you know that your head weighs around 5kg?  That is a lot of weight to have unsupported on...

These Shoes Are Meant for Walking

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
14/10/2019 08:00 AM
Which shoes are good for walking?  If I had a dollar for every time I was asked which are the best walking shoes….Well you know how it goes!  Basically there are so many shoes on the market...

Getting Fit For Summer

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
07/10/2019 08:00 AM
It’s that time again – we are starting to become active after the winter season and have resolved to get fit and lose the extra kilos we have put on.  This often results in an influx of overuse...

Lateral Hip Pain - What Is It Really?

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
30/09/2019 09:00 AM
It is a common complaint especially in those who have started an exercise program, such as walking or running and more common in peri or post menopausal women to suffer from lateral hip...

How To Avoid Gym Injuries

Posted By Melanie Roberts,
23/09/2019 09:00 AM
Injuries sustained while working out at the gym are common. The most common areas injured at the gym are the shoulder and low back. Most injuries arise from a poorly designed gym program or poor...